IG Finance plc was incorporated on 19th December 2016 and is essentially a special purpose vehicle set up to act as a financing company solely for the needs of Impresa Limited and its subsidiary undertakings.
The Impresa Group is mainly involved in the manufacture of high precision plastic injection-moulding, sheet-cutting and sheet-thermoforming, and electrical installation products.
Furthermore, the Group has diversified its trading operations through the supply of a wide range of electrical cable as well as the warehousing and distribution of consumer packaging media exclusively for the industrial sector.
Our organization comprises of a wide variety of skills that facilitate for close interaction with customers in each of these specialised processes enabling the group to understand industry specific requirments and challenges in each of its product lines.
Our Team
Paul Mercieca
Independent Non-Executive Chairman of the BoD and Audit Committee
Joseph Borg
Co-CEO / Executive Director
Mark Borg
Executive Director
Julian Borg
Executive Director / Member of the Audit Committee
Anthony Bartolo
Independent Non-Executive Director and Member of the Audit Committee